教員紹介 高瀬克範(准教授) Katsunori TAKASE (Associate Professor)

カムチャツカ半島中央部の分布調査  General survey in Central Kamchatka(2010)






すべての研究成果のリストは下記のURL (Researchmapのサイト)を参照してください。








My specialty is archaeology of the Jomon, Yayoi, and Epi-Jomon Cultures in Northeastern Honshu and Hokkaido, Japan. Additionally, in last decade, I have conducted archaeological excavations in the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia. My current research focuses on the Kuril Ainu, an indigenous people of the Northern Kurils, primarily intending to reveal their origin and changes in subsistence from the viewpoint of archaeology.

I apply the lithic use-wear analysis, replication technique, and paleoethnobotanical methods, especially analysis of charred seeds, to archaeological artifacts as well as usual archaeological methodologies such as typology and morphology. Through examinations using these techniques, I also approach to the diffusion process of cultivated plants in East Asia, prehistoric farming technology of the Korean Peninsula and Japanese Islands, super long-term history of human hide use, and resource use of the Mesolithic in East Europe.

Your contact is always welcome!


A list of my research achievement can be seen on Researchmap website.


▶My research perspectives on the Kuril Ainu is introduced in Research Frontiers vol.3.

北海道出土黒曜石製掻器刃部にみられる皮なめしの使用痕 Heavy abrasion generated by hide-working on the edge of an obsidian end scraper from Hokkaido

東北地方出土弥生土器から復元されたイネ Rice seed recovered from Yayoi pottery unearthed in Northeastern Honshu Island

カテゴリー: 未分類   パーマリンク
